Energy Saving Key Card Switch
An energy-saving switch ( it is also called a power switch ) is specially designed for the hotel guestroom’s purpose of energy saving.
When guests enter a hotel guestroom and insert a keycard into the key card switch, the main power supply can be put through. The lighting system, TV set, and sockets in the room will then be activated. And when the guest leaves the room, the power supply will be cut off automatically 5-15 seconds after the guest removes the keycard.
which ensures the guests leave the room safely with sufficient lighting. It is normally installed on the wall of guestrooms for convenience. Key card switch price in Sri Lanka

Stranded Hotel Energy Saving key card Switch
Technical parameters
Operating voltage: 50/60Hz 180v-240VAC (other voltages can be customized)
Maximum load current: 30A can use an electric Contactor for any other current
Maximum load power: 5000W or can use an electric Contactor for any other load
Quiescent operating power: 0.5W
Delay power-off time:10- 15 seconds
Non-working condition: light blue
Service life: When the relay contacts 220V in the full load, life expectancy greater than 10 million
Operating temperature: -10 – 60
Working humidity: 50 10-95% RH
Overall dimensions: W86mm * H86mm * D35mm
Case Material: Imported fire retardant PC plastic
Shell Color: Gold, Silver, White, (other can be customized, your logo, your language)
We supplied world-famous hotel key card switches in Sri Lanka & Maldives.
Key Card Switch
The Energy Controlled Unit Known as the ECU, is as small and lightweight as a light switch on the wall, it is designed to cut off the electric energy supply for some or all of the electrical outlets within a room or particular area so when the area is not being utilized, it helps saving power and using less power.