
Hotel DND System Sri Lanka

Smartlock.lk offers to hotels modern and elegant DND systems for Sri Lanka & Maldives, we design and customize “Do Not Disturb systems”.

Intuitive use, this DND provides important extra comfort for the guest.

The smart DND system is widely used in hotels, motels, and apartments that offer guest the option of indicating their preferences outside the room.

Hotel Doorbell (DND/MUR) System

Touch Panel Hotel Doorbell System consists of two or more parts, in-room and outdoor. The panel is linked to the system via a doorbell. When the DND button is pressed, the outdoor panel shows ‘do not disturb’ sign and the doorbell becomes inactive. When the Cleaning button is pressed, the outdoor panel shows a ‘cleaning’ sign. With easy use and constant DND/MUR feature, it gives your hotel more comfort.

Operation& usage:

1.  Hotel room number showing. The switch is touchable. In normal conditions, press the button “doorbell” on the touch screen to open the bell, and the guests will know there are visitors at the door when hear the euphonious ring.

2. Capacitive touchable door switch, When guests press the “D.N.D” button inside of the room, the “Do not disturb” Indicator light in the doorbell switch will be lighting outside of the room, the doorbell will not work at this time(Status)

3. When guests want to clean the room, they only need to touch the “Clean” button inside of the room, then the “Makeup room” Indicator light in the doorbell switch will light outside of the room, so the cleaner can know the customer’s demands.

4. When the guest inserts the room card into Energy-saving switch, the outside LCD screen “Guest” light up, which means there is a guest in the room let the waiter know there is someone in the room.

We are doing custom DND solutions in Sri Lanka & Maldives

Hotel DND System Sri Lanka

Hotel Do Not Disturb Sri Lanka


Custom Design of DND Panel

We do custom-made DND panels as a requirement of our Clients. who need custom-made design panels, any custom color size, and design.


Hotel Do Not Disturb Switch

Hotel Room Sign Sri lanka Hotel Room Number Design Sri Lanka Maldives

Hotel Room Sign Manufacturers in Sri Lanka

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